5 Common Cold-Weather Moving Mistakes

5 Common Cold-Weather Moving Mistakes

Moving and storage is a complicated industry in general. People make mistakes during moves all of the time. But when you throw adverse weather into the mix, it can complicate things and cause even more mistakes than usual. 

From not checking the weather to forgetting about utilities, here are some of the most common mistakes people make during winter relocations that you’ll want to avoid.

1. Not Checking the Weather

Since this is a weather-related post, let’s start there. You might have thought about the fact it’s going to be colder during your move, but have you thought about how this affects your belongings during transport? The weather can be surprising and unexpected during cold-weather months, so voice your concerns if there is bad weather on the calendar. (And be sure to check on it weekly.)

2. Hiring the Wrong Moving Company

If you hire the wrong moving company, you might not have flexibility in your cold-weather move date. Make sure you choose a residential moving company that will work with you and listen to your concerns. Moves are often delayed or postponed because of bad weather, so choose a moving company that has your best interests in mind.

3. Forgetting About Utilities

Next, don’t forget to set up utilities at your new location in advance of your move. Utility companies can get busy in peak cold or hot seasons, so there may be a delay in when they’ll be able to address your needs. Try to schedule them out weeks or months in advance, not the day or week of your move.

4. Not Accounting for Complications

Delays happen, especially during winter. There are obstacles like icy roads, unexpected weather and fewer hours of daylight. Build some wiggle room into your move schedule and budget so you aren’t surprised or overly frustrated if there are complications that come up.

5. Forgetting About Belongings

Finally, don’t focus so much on the transportation side of things that you forget about belongings. Does your new location have enough space for all of your belongings or will you need temporary storage until you figure it out? Or, you might simply want to store certain seasonal or bulky items. Either way, get this squared away ahead of time (your moving company can potentially help). 
Don’t make these same cold-weather moving mistakes. Contact us for a no-obligation quote about partnering with IMS Relocation today.

One thought on “5 Common Cold-Weather Moving Mistakes

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